346 Free Trains Stock Videos

All trains stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Train, Railway, Transport, City, Urban, Subway, Travel and Athlete.

Funicular train station in winter

A snow-covered funicular train station at the bottom of a snowy mountain full of pine trees.

An urban trendy woman on a train wagon

A trendy woman wearing orange sweatshirt and ripped jeans on an abandoned train wagon.

Man training on the bars in the gym

A man demonstrates his athletic prowess as he trains on the bars in the gym, showcasing his dedication to his workout and exercise routine.

Rainbow bridge in Japan over the sea

Shot of the curve of a peripheral of the rainbow bridge in Japanese Tokyo that goes over the water on a sunny afternoon, while cars, trucks and trailers cross it. At the top are the tracks of a train.

Person on a bicycle starts to ride on a cycling track

Person on a bicycle starts to walk to train on a cycling track in a park with trees, at sunset.

Animated transport options

Animation of transport options including a car, motorcycle, train, and a ship.

Close up of a saxophonist in an abandoned spot

Close up shot of the hands of a saxophonist playing a song on an abandoned train full of graffiti.

Young people in an old station seen in a prism

Young men and a young woman stand in an old abandoned train station, rusted and full of graffiti, seen in the reflection of a prism.

Cyclist putting on her helmet before training

Cyclist woman putting on her helmet before riding the bike and starting to train, on an outdoor track at sunset.

Urban man wearing a hat

The urban man touches his hair and puts his hat near a freight train on the outskirts of the city.

Sportsman pedaling a bicycle on a track

Young woman starting to train on a bicycle on an outdoor track, during sunset.

Musicians playing the trombone and the saxophone

Musicians playing the trombone and saxophone in an abandoned train car full of graffiti.

Musician playing his trombone alone

Musician dressed in suit playing his trombone in an abandoned train car.

Saxophonist playing a quiet song

Urban saxophonist playing a quiet song inside an abandoned train.

Pair of jazz musicians performing a song

Pair of jazz musicians performing a song with their saxophone and trombone on an abandoned train.

Reflection in a prism of young people in an abandoned place

Reflection in the mirrors of a prism of a girl and a boy in an old abandoned train station outside.

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