178 Free Restaurant Stock Videos

All restaurant stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Close Up, Food, Date, Pizza, Chef, Fast Food and Couple.

Girl eating while talking to a boy

Young woman eating pizza, while reacting to something that a man shows her on his cell phone, sitting at a table outside.

Man and woman eating pizza together

Man and woman eating pizza together, sitting at a table outdoors, surrounded by plants, while chatting at ease.

Close up of a woman talking with her friend

Close up of a woman chatting happily with one of her friends on a date in a restaurant or cafe.

Classically styled restaurant

Pan shot of an empty classic styled restaurant.

Neon sign of a character from a pizzeria

Neon sign of a character of a pizzeria with a crown, outside on the street at dusk.

Veal carpaccio

Veal carpaccio on a white plate.

Girl eating and chatting with another person

Portrait of a young woman in a kimono, eating pizza while chatting with a man, sitting at a table outside.

Guy showing something to a girl on his cell phone

Young man showing something to a girl on his cell phone, while eating pizza together, sitting at a table outside.

A table being served pizza by a waiter

Waiter quickly serving a pepperoni pizza to a man and a woman, sitting at a table outside among many plants.

Young man eating a slice of pizza

Close-up shot of a young man eating a slice of pizza while chatting with another person, sitting at a table outside.

Portrait of a man eating pizza at lunch

Portrait of a man eating pizza and chatting during lunch, in an outdoor dining room among trees, shot from the table.

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