New Stock Videos

All stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Close Up, Woman, Nature, Medium Shot, Man, City, Forest and International Womens Day.

Snowy mountain and a pine forest from above

Natural landscape covered with pine trees and vegetation, from the heights around a huge pointed mountain covered in snow.

Aerial view of a large snowy mountain

Huge mountain covered in snow and many pine trees in an aerial shot that slowly surrounds it, on a sunny day, with the clear blue sky behind it.

Large hill covered with trees from above

Flying slowly backwards over a large hill covered in abundant pine trees with a wide mountain range covered in mist on the horizon.

A woman wearign a futuristic VR glasses concentrates on the moves of her hands to control an unseen user interface

A woman, wearing sleek futuristic VR glasses, concentrates intensely on the movements of her hands as she controls an unseen user interface. With a furrowed brow, she manipulates the air with graceful gestures, each motion translating into commands in the digital realm.

A young futuristic woman with an electronic device on her hands sits on a yellow char and starts typing into the air

A young futuristic woman, with an electronic device strapped to her hands, sits on a vibrant yellow chair and begins to type into the air with swift, purposeful movements. Each tap and swipe seems to conjure digital symbols and commands in the space before her, her focus unwavering as she interacts with the unseen interface around her.

A woman with white hair and a sleek white attire sits on a yellow chair wearing sci fi devices on her eyes and her hands to control the digital realm

A woman with white hair and a sleek white attire sits on a yellow chair, the futuristic glow of sci-fi devices reflecting in her eyes. With the devices snugly fitted on her eyes and hands, she seems to effortlessly control the digital realm, her movements precise and deliberate as she navigates through the virtual landscape before her.

A woman with white hair and white suit, sits on a vibrant yellow chair moving her hands up and down

A woman with striking white hair and a matching white suit sits on a vibrant yellow chair, her gaze fixed ahead. With deliberate movements, she raises and lowers her hands, each gesture seeming to manipulate the unseen energy in the air around her.

A young woman wearing sci fi VR glasses and a futuristic hand device moves her hands trough the air

A young woman, clad in a pristine white attire, dons sci-fi VR glasses and a futuristic hand device. With an air of focused determination, she moves her hands through the air, interacting seamlessly with unseen digital elements in the augmented reality around her.

A young woman in white attire and a futuristic sci fi VR glasses concentrates on an unseen digital task moving her hands

A young woman in white attire, her eyes obscured behind futuristic sci-fi VR glasses, concentrates intently on an unseen digital task, deftly moving her hands with practiced precision through the air.

A young woman in white attire turn on her hand sci fi device and starts moving her hand like navigating in the digital realm

A young woman in white attire turns on her hand-held sci-fi device and starts moving her hand with precision, as if navigating through the digital realm with ethereal grace.

A woman with white hair puts on futuristic looking glasses with a hexagonal patern and RGB lights

A woman with white hair puts on futuristic-looking glasses with a hexagonal pattern and RGB lights, their soft glow reflecting off her curious eyes as she prepares to delve into the realm of augmented reality.

A young woman wearing a sci fi vision device on her hands and head strats to move fluidly in the digital realm

A young woman wearing a sci-fi vision device on her hands and head starts to move fluidly in the digital realm, her movements synchronized with the virtual landscape that surrounds her.

A young woman puts on sci fi vision device and strat to move fluidly in the digital realm

A young woman, her eyes alight with anticipation, dons the sleek sci-fi vision device, its futuristic design blending seamlessly with her attire. As she activates it, she steps into the digital realm, her movements fluid and purposeful, navigating through virtual landscapes with a sense of wonder and skillful finesse.

Vertical video with a young woman in futuristic attire wears a sci fi vision device to control the digital realm

Vertical video captures a young woman in futuristic attire, her sleek garments adorned with shimmering accents, as she wears a cutting-edge sci-fi vision device. With this advanced technology, she seamlessly maneuvers through the digital realm, her movements fluid and precise, commanding virtual landscapes with effortless grace.

Vertical video with a woman with futuristic VR glasses moving her hands delicately

Vertical video captures a woman with futuristic VR glasses immersed in a virtual world, her movements delicate yet purposeful as she navigates unseen realms with a flick of her fingers.

A woman with white hair and a sleek white attire sits on a yellow chair wearing sci fi devices on her head and her hands to control the digital realm

A woman with striking white hair and clad in sleek, pristine white attire sits perched on a vibrant yellow chair, her gaze focused intently ahead. Adorning her head and hands are advanced sci-fi devices, each intricately designed to interface seamlessly with the digital realm she commands with precision and finesse.

A futuristic woman in white attire and a hand sci fi device on her hands delicately moves her metal fingers

A futuristic woman in sleek white attire, adorned with intricate patterns, and with a high-tech sci-fi device strapped to her hand, delicately moves her gleaming metal fingers with a grace that belies their robotic nature.

Aerial view of a mountain range

Aerial view flying slowly over a mountain range covered with abundant trees and grass, with the sky covered in clouds on a sunny day.

Crystal clear water flowing over the sand

Very close shot of the crystal clear sea water flowing gently over the sand and small rocks of a sunny beach.

Foaming waves on the shore of a beach

Shore of a sunny beach in an aerial shot from above while the foamy waves cover the sand one after another, in a vertical video.

Waves breaking on the shore of a beach

Vertical aerial shot of a sandy and rocky coast as the soft waves come one after the other and break on the stones.

View from above of the shore of a beach

View from above at 90 degrees from the shore of a beach with gray sand, while the gentle waves arrive one after another.

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