165 Free Easter Stock Videos

All easter stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Holiday, Celebration, Egg, Easter Egg, Easter Bunny, Close Up and Girl.

Little girls looking for easter eggs in the backyard

Two little girls running and looking for easter eggs in the sunny backyard. Two little girls find easter eggs hidden in the bushes of the backyard.

Girls playing during Easter day

Girls play in their backyard grass surrounded by decorated Easter eggs while wearing bunny ears on their heads.

Girls looking for easter eggs

A pair of girls wearing bunny ears look for colored Easter eggs on a wall full of branches and plants in a garden.

Girl takes an Easter egg from a tree trunk

A girl hunting for Easter eggs together with her little friend takes an egg from the trunk of a large tree in her garden.

Looking for easter eggs

A blue painted Easter egg is found and taken by a girl on the branch of a small tree in her garden.

Little girl taking a hidden Easter egg

A little girl picking a decorated blue Easter egg from the branches of a tree during a hunt with her sister.

Happy girl shows her Easter eggs

A smiling girl shows her decorated Easter eggs to the camera during a hunt in her garden on the Holiday.

Family celebrating Easter day in a garden

A family of a mother and two daughters eating chocolates during the Easter celebration among decorated eggs.

A couple of girls eating chocolate at Easter

A pair of little girls eating rabbit shaped chocolates on an Easter day next to baskets full of Easter eggs.

Little girl leaving Easter eggs in a basket

A girl leaves a decorated Easter egg in a basket during an egg hunt in a garden with her mom.

Pair of girls looking for Easter eggs in their garden

A couple of little girls search happily for all the hidden Easter eggs in their garden during the Holidays.

Girls looking for easter eggs

A couple of little girls looking for decorated Easter eggs in their garden on a sunny afternoon.

Family at Easter with decorated eggs

Mother and daughters celebrating Easter with decorated eggs in baskets on a blanket on a sunny picnic day.

Girls celebrating Easter with their mom

A pair of little girls or sisters wearing bunny ears celebrate Easter with their mother during a sunny day at a picnic.

A family celebrating Easter on a sunny day

A family celebrating Easter during a sunny day at a picnic with Easter eggs, bunny ears and baskets.

Young woman separating easter eggs with two little girls

A young woman is teaching two little girls how to separate easter eggs in the backyard garden. Two little girls with easter egg bunny costumes watch a woman separates the easter eggs in the basket.

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