360 Free Pet Stock Videos

All pet stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Dog, Pet Owner, Animal, Dog Owner, Cat, Slow Motion and Dogs.

A cute Border Collie dog panting patiently on the ground by its toy

A cute Border Collie dog panting patiently on the ground by its toy against a white background.

A blue eyed Border Collie canine looks up and down

Close up shot of a blue-eyed border collie with an endearing spot around his eye, panting contentedly over a white background.

Little dog lying down, bored and sad

Little dog lying on the carpet in the sun coming through the window, bored and sad.

Person petting a black cat

A person with a cat footprint tattoo caresses a black cat with both hands.

A cute Border Collie dog play with a fire street hydrant toy on the gorund

A cute Border Collie dog playing with a fire street hydrant toy on the ground against a white background.

An intelligent border collie gives the paw to a hand

An intelligent Border Collie canine displays its cleverness by offering its paw to a person's hand in a heartwarming gesture.

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