98 Free Tea Stock Videos

All tea stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Drink, Coffee, Drinking, International Womens Day, Woman, Cup and Japanese Tea.

Sick girl sheltered while drinking a tea

Sick girl sheltered in her bed drinking tea from a cup, while she coughs a little, and puts her hand to her nose.

Woman preparing a cup of warm tea with tea bag

Closeup video of a breakfast or coffee bar with a woman preparing a cup of warm tea with a tea bag. Glass of milk, sugar packets, hot coffee dispenser, a woman wearing a sweater.

Upset woman checking a cell phone while drinking tea

Woman sitting at a table checking a cell phone, while holding a cup to her mouth, making gestures of disgust after drinking from the cup.

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