129 Free Salad Stock Videos

All salad stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Healthy Food, Food Preparation, Food, Close Up, Diet, Kitchen and Vegetable.

Woman drinks water from her glass during her meal

Young woman sitting at a table with a sandwich and a salad, slowly raises her glass with water to drink from it.

Chopping a peach with a knife

Close-up view on the hands of a young woman chopping a peach for a salad with a knife on a wooden cutting board.

Handmade dinnerware with food

Arrangement of a salad, bread and coffee in handmade crockery in gray and white colors on a dark gray table.

Woman slicing and chopping an avocado

Woman slicing and chopping an avocado while preparing a salad with sliced bread, in a close up shot of her hands.

Close shot of a chef's plate just finished

Close up shot of a salad with dressing, walnuts and bacon, freshly prepared by a cook.

Young woman sitting down to eat a sandwich

Young woman in her kitchen serving herself a sandwich at the table with a salad and a glass of water as she sits down to eat it.

Couple having dinner together at home

Young couple man and woman having dinner together at home, when he arrives with two plates of salad.

Breakfast with friends in a restaurant

Breakfast in a restaurant between two friends, while one of them takes salad from the other's plate.

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