178 Free Restaurant Stock Videos

All restaurant stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Close Up, Food, Date, Pizza, Chef, Fast Food and Couple.

Lunch between a man and a woman

Lunch between young men and women, in an outdoor dining room among trees and flower boxes, while they chat at ease.

Baker preparing flour for dough or pizza

Baker preparing the flour for dough, forming a volcano with it, to mix the different ingredients.

Girls taking selfies in a retro restaurant

Couple of girls taking selfies in a retro restaurant, dressed in old fashioned clothes and with sunglasses.

Ingredients for a dish with fish

Ingredients for a Ceviche dish, with fish, chili, lemons, onion and spices.

Pair of hamburgers together

Two burgers, one shrimp and one chicken together, detailed views.

Pouring red wine

Pouring red wine in an empty glass next to a cup already filled with white background. 2 glasses of wine being poured.

Friends meeting

Curved-haired girl chatting at a restaurant or bar table with her friend.

Man packing his saxophone

A man wearing a grey cap, white button up shirt, khaki pants and brown shoes sits on a maroon couch in front of large windows, putting away his musical instrument, the saxophone, picks up the leather case and walks away.

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