178 Free Restaurant Stock Videos

All restaurant stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Close Up, Food, Date, Pizza, Chef, Fast Food and Couple.

Woman with tattoos in a shop window

An urban trendy girl's portrait at night sitting on a restaurant's window. A young woman with long black hair and tattoos wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt and blue jeans.

Chef's hands preparing dough

A cook's hands shape the dough for a round pizza bread in a restaurant kitchen.

Man happy to receive a Valentine's gift

A young man receiving a gift in a red box with a bow during a Valentine's date in a restaurant.

Man giving flowers on Valentine's day

Man in love gives a bouquet of flowers to his girlfriend during a Valentine's date in a restaurant.

Boy and girl on a romantic date on Valentine's Day

Boy and girl in a romantic date on Valentine's Day, at a table with swings in an outdoors cafeteria or restaurant.

Girl arriving on a romantic date

Over the shoulder shot of a man waiting for his girlfriend as she arrives for her date and sits in the restaurant.

Preparing pizza dough

A man works kneading pizza dough with his hands in a restaurant kitchen, close up shot.

Girl arriving on a date with a person

Girl coming to a date on Valentine's Day to join a person at a outdoors restaurant or cafeteria, on a sunny day.

Girl on a date in a cafee shop with swings

Girl on a date in a cafe or restaurant with swings, while swinging and holding her boyfriend's hand.

A chef preparing pizza dough

A chef preparing pizza dough on a restaurant kitchen table, close up.

Saxophonist silhouette playing music in a dark room

Saxophonist silhouette or shadow playing a great jazz song. Black and white video. A musician wearing white shirt with suspenders, hat, glasses, long beard. Old fashioned jazz musician playing music in a bar or restaurant. Slow motion effect. Smoke environment.

Young people at a table playing Jenga

Young people sitting around a restaurant table, playing Jenga, while one girl knocks down the tower and the others react laughing and the shot opens slowly.

Man drinking beer

A bearded man drinking beer in a glass in a restaurant-bar.

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