309 Free Airplane Stock Videos

All airplane stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Airport, Aircraft, Flight, Aerial, Transport, Sky and Outdoor.

Sun rays over forest treetops

Flight above sunset. Drone aerial view of a large forest. Panoramic view. Sunset in the mountains.

Aerial view of a rocky mountain in the forest

Aerial view of a rocky mountain in the forest at a sunny day drone flight footage.

Slow fly over the sea watching the sunset

Slow flight over the sea with calm waters, near a peninsula with some boats sailing around it, while the sun goes down on the horizon.

Metallic structure of a crucified christ

Metallic structure of a crucified Christ seen from behind, with a luminous sky in the background, and a wall on one side with a bird on top that takes flight.

Small rocky islands on a peninsula

Small rocky islands on a peninsula with open sea in front, during a sunny day, seen in a slow aerial flight with a drone.

Man with smoke bomb on staircase

A young male wearing khaki pants and a blue t-shirt stand at the top of a flight of stair outside a graffitied building and holds a smoke bomb releasing pink smoke.

Man holding a drone

A man wearing a black beanie, a grey jacket and a black backpack stands in front of a building with many windows holding a white drone before it takes flight.

Los Cabos seashore and desert from the air

View of the coast of Los Cabos in Mexico from the wing of an airplane on a clear day with blue sky and clouds

View of the coast from the air

View of the coast of Los Cabos in Mexico from the wing of an airplane on a clear day

Man running up stairs and smoking

A man wearing a blue t-shirt and khaki pants runs up a flight of stairs into an abandoned building covered in graffiti, and pulls out a cigaret to begin to smoke.

Double exposure video of a woman and the sky

Double exposure video of a woman wearing a scarf on her neck and clouds in the sky seen from a plane in flight.

Mountain range with snow and pine trees from above

Slow flight backwards over a mountainous relief covered with grass, snow and pine trees, on a sunny day, with a view of the horizon covered in fog.

Flying over a green forest covered by the morning mist

As the camera takes flight, it unveils a mesmerizing panorama where nature's vibrant hues contrast with the soft, ethereal shroud of mist.

People walking down an airport corridor in fast motion

People walking in the corridor of an airport in fast motion, in the background a large window with a metal structure

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