491 Free Bird Stock Videos

All bird stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Animal, Wildlife, Birds, Nature, Lake, Tree and Wild.

Woman places decorations for Easter

A woman places colorfully painted Easter eggs in a basket and in a bird's nest.

Girl sitting on a bench waiting for someone

Young girl sitting on a bench in a park on a sunny afternoon, with trees, grass and birds, while waiting for someone.

Easter decorative baskets

Close up shot of a couple of baskets and a bird's nest with decorative eggs for Easter day.

Easter eggs spinning

Spinning shot of some decorative eggs for Easter day that rotate in a bird's nest.

Old rusty can full of garbage on the street

Old rusty black garbage can, on the street in the sun, surrounded by more bags and an old tire, in front of a building as a bird flies by.

Laser cutter in operation

Laser cutter cutting figures of a drawing of a bird on a fiber board.

Industrial cutting machine cutting fiber

Industrial laser cutter cutting figures of a drawing of a bird on a fiber board.

Facade of an old church on a sunny day

View to the top of the facade of an old church, with some thin trees while a bird flies across, during a sunny day.

People practicing paddle surfing, aerial view

A bird's-eye view captures the dynamic essence of people engaged in paddle surfing.

Aerial shot of traffic near a roundabout

A bird's-eye view showcases the orchestrated movement of traffic near a bustling roundabout.

Top aerial video of the traffic around going a roundabout at night

Offering a bird's-eye perspective, a top aerial video showcases night traffic navigating a roundabout.

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