491 Free Bird Stock Videos

All bird stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Animal, Wildlife, Birds, Nature, Lake, Tree and Wild.

Birds flying low over a lake in a meadow

Aerial tour in a meadow surrounded by hills on the horizon, while some birds fly low over a lake.

Flock of black birds flying in the sky during sunset

A flock of black birds silhouetted against the sunset sky adds a touch of drama to the scene.


A person paddle boarding, one bird flying across the clear sky in the background.

Girl meditating in yoga pose in a park

Girl smiling while meditating in yoga pose in a park with people, grass, trees and birds during a sunny afternoon.

Little girl laying in the grass enjoying a chocolate bunny

A birds eye view shot of a little girl laying in the grass while eating a chocolate bunnie. A Little girl wearing a flower pattern dresss smiles to the camera while eating a chocolate.

Couple watching the sunset on a beach

Couple of man and woman sitting on the sand of a beach with birds flying, plafitos and many palm trees, while watching the sunset.

A couple talking on the beach at sunset

Woman and man having a chat sitting on the sand on a beach, during sunset, while birds fly around, and the foamy waves gently reach the shore.

Flying low over a sunny beach above the sea

Flying low in a drone close to a bird above the sea, a sunny beach with many palm trees and stilt houses, and mountains behind.

Sunset seen from a peaceful beach

Sunset seen from a peaceful beach, with a bird flying in the distance, and the foamy waves covering the sandy shore one after another.

Woman and man watching the sunset from a beach

Woman and man watching the sunset from a quiet beach, sitting on the sand, while birds fly around and the gentle waves reach the shore.

Metallic structure of a crucified christ

Metallic structure of a crucified Christ seen from behind, with a luminous sky in the background, and a wall on one side with a bird on top that takes flight.

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