165 Free Easter Stock Videos

All easter stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Holiday, Celebration, Egg, Easter Egg, Easter Bunny, Close Up and Girl.

Woman gluing glitter to an easter egg

Hands of a woman working on decorating Easter eggs with glitter of different colors.

Little girl paints easter eggs, close up

Close up shot of a little girl painting a white egg with pink paint to use as an Easter decoration.

Gluing glitter on easter eggs

Little girl and her mother decorate easter eggs by gluing gold glitter on them and painting them in different colors.

Decorative easter egg, close up

Woman turning a regular egg into an easter egg by gluing brightly colored decorations on it.

Easter Egg Painting by a Young Girl

Little black-haired girl paints with a brush and pink watercolor paint her easter eggs.

Little girl painting an egg with pink paint

Close up shot of a girl slowly painting an easter egg with watercolor paints.

painted easter eggs

Close up shot of some easter eggs painted with different colors and materials ready for holidays.

decorating easter eggs

Person taking decorative figures with different shapes to stick them on decorated eggs for easter.

Little girl painting easter eggs

Little girl with Asian features painting with a brush and watercolors some Easter eggs for the holidays.

Hands of a woman painting easter eggs

Hands of a woman with a brush that paints and decorates Easter eggs with watercolor for the celebration.

Family decorating easter eggs

Hands of a mother and her daughter gluing glitter to white easter eggs preparing decorations for the celebration.

Girl opening a paint pot

Little girl opens the pot of acrylic paint to start painting colorful easter eggs for the celebration.

Easter eggs falling

Easter eggs decorated with colors and shapes falling.

Person leaving easter eggs in garden

Person leaving easter eggs decorated with different designs in the garden on the grass.

Beautiful easter eggs on a table with flowers

Beautiful easter eggs in baskets on a table with sunflowers.

Easter eggs in a basket

Easter eggs of colors and shapes falling into a basket.

Happy Easter, title video

Happy Easter written on colored post its among eggs and ornaments.

Happy Easter title

Happy Easter title with decorated eggs moving around with yellow background.

Cool Easter title background

Cool Easter title background of moving decorated eggs on a pink surface.

Easter Eggs Changing Positions

Easter eggs changing position as the shot gets closer, top view.

Easter eggs going to a basket

Decorated easter eggs slowly going into a basket, top view.

Easter Machine animation

Animation of a machine that decorates white eggs to Easter eggs.

Mother draws rabbit whiskers to her daughter

Mother draws mustaches to her daughter while wearing bunny ears to celebrate Easter.

Little girl eating an easter egg with chocolate

Little girl with bunny ears eating an easter egg filled with chocolate.

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