620 Free Sun Stock Videos

From sunrise to sunset, whether illuminating the countryside or the sea, cities and roads, or peaceful forests and villages, our video collection celebrates the magic of the sun, that great ball of fire painting the sky. All stock video clips can be downloaded for free, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Sunset, Nature, Landscape, Forest, Silhouette, Sky and Mountain.

Red sunset sun on a coast

Scene of a lake during a sunset, a big hill on the other side and the red sun above right in the center of the shot.

View from the air of a lake during a sunset

Huge lake during a dusk, seen from above, revealing the water and the land formations around it, and the mountain range that is lost on the horizon.

Cute couple dancing on the streets

Cute couple of fiancees dancing happily through the streets of a big city, during a beautiful sunset.

Sunlight passing through the leaves of a tree

White light from the sun passing through the green leaves and branches of a tree.

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