458 Free Fruit Stock Videos

All fruit stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Food, Healthy Food, Close Up, Fruits, Healthy Lifestyle, Texture and Orange.

Lots of assorted fruit in a close up shot

Lots of assorted fruit such as pineapple, apple, orange and banana in a very close shot that goes through them slowly.

Kiwi slices viewed in detail

Slices of green kiwi, seen in detail, while the shot runs from top to bottom, clearly showing its details.

Lemons rotating in a cluster at a leisurely pace

Bunch of lemons rotating slowly in a very close shot, on a green grass background.

Woman eating healthy dessert

A woman eating a healthy snack on a sunny day

Pineapple sliced on a yellow background

A person's hand holding the top cut of a pineapple on a white background, while slowly lowering it and placing it on top of the rest of the pineapple cut into slices, on a yellow background.

Watermelons on a black background

Delicious and juicy watermelons, one split in half and one whole, on a black background, as they rotate allowing their details to be appreciated.

Young woman washing fruit in her kitchen

Young woman washing assorted fruit in her kitchen such as mangoes, peaches and kiwis, rinsing them and putting them in a metal strainer.

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