178 Free Restaurant Stock Videos

All restaurant stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Close Up, Food, Date, Pizza, Chef, Fast Food and Couple.

Two happily girls in a retro restaurant hanging out

Two girls dancing and playing in a colorful retro restaurant, wearing old style clothes.

Cutting a pork chop

The hands of a person cutting pork chop with a fork and a meat knife.

Man making a toast with another person

Portrait of a cheerful man raising his glass to make a toast with another person sitting at a table outside with trees in the background.

Couple of people eating pizza together

Close view of a pizza in the center of a table, when the hands of a man and a woman take the last slices.

Woman and man eating pizza

View of a table with a pizza in the center, drinks and appetizers, while a man and a woman each take a slice.

Eating fettuccine

A person rolling up fettuccine with a fork. A dish of pasta in a bowl.

Couple in a restaurant taking photos of the dessert

Couple having lunch in a restaurant while they take pictures for dessert, on a wooden table.

Chef cooking on a large grill

Focus of a chef cooking on a large grill, in front of a group of spectators at a restaurant bar.

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