Astounding Royalty Free Stock Music

For you to use in your next video project, for free!

Find what you need on Envato Elements

Discover millions of audio tracks, sound effects, graphic templates, stock photos, fonts & more. All with unlimited downloads & simple commercial licensing for any project.

Download free background music for videos

We struck a chord with free videos, so now we’ve added free music! Discover astounding free stock music tracks from a growing audio library to use in your next video editing project. All audio clips are royalty free and can be used with no attribution or sign up required.

Find perfect tracks for background music for YouTube videos, podcasts, and online advertising. Enjoy unlimited downloads across genres such as hip-hop, lo-fi, cinematic and more.

Tech House vibes

by Alejandro Magaña (A. M.)

Hazy After Hours

by Alejandro Magaña (A. M.)

Hip Hop 02

by Lily J

A Very Happy Christmas

by Michael Ramir C.

Sun and His Daughter

by Eugenio Mininni


Driving Ambition

by Ahjay Stelino

Raising Me Higher

by Ahjay Stelino


Life is a Dream

by Michael Ramir C.

Deep Urban

by Eugenio Mininni

Serene View

by Arulo

Dance with Me

by Ahjay Stelino


by Arulo

Cat Walk

by Arulo



by Arulo

Dreaming Big

by Ahjay Stelino

Games Worldbeat

by Bernardo R.

Silent Descent

by Eugenio Mininni


Beautiful Dream

by Diego Nava

Feeling Happy

by Ahjay Stelino

Valley Sunset

by Alejandro Magaña (A. M.)

Playground Fun

by Ahjay Stelino


Pop 05

by Grigoriy Nuzhny


by Ahjay Stelino

Island Beat

by Arulo


Piano Reflections

by Ahjay Stelino


by Eugenio Mininni

Summer Fun

by Ahjay Stelino

Just Chill

by Ahjay Stelino

Getting Ready

by Ahjay Stelino

Relaxing in Nature

by Diego Nava

Spirit in the Woods

by Alejandro Magaña (A. M.)

Motivating Mornings

by Ahjay Stelino

Sports Highlights

by Ahjay Stelino

Sleepy Cat

by Alejandro Magaña (A. M.)

Piano Horror

by Francisco Alvear

Deep Meditation

by Alejandro Magaña (A. M.)

Epical Drums 01

by Grigoriy Nuzhny


by Ahjay Stelino

Fun Times

by Ahjay Stelino

Slow Trail

by Ahjay Stelino


Just Kidding

by Ahjay Stelino


Forest Treasure

by Alejandro Magaña (A. M.)

Night Sky Hip Hop

by Michael Ramir C.

Kodama Night Town

by Alejandro Magaña (A. M.)

Uplift Me

by Ahjay Stelino


by Grigoriy Nuzhny


Find what you need on Envato Elements

Discover millions of audio tracks, sound effects, graphic templates, stock photos, fonts & more. All with unlimited downloads & simple commercial licensing for any project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Royalty free music is a type of music license that allows someone to use the music track for as long as desired. Usually this comes at a one time payment, however Mixkit offers free, royalty free music which means you can download and use Mixkit music, at no cost whatsoever!

Copyright-free music refers to music that is not protected by copyright law and can be used without permission or payment of royalties. Learn more about the difference between royalty free and copyright free music.

Mixkit Music is ideal to be used as free background music for videos and as free music for video editing. Other examples where you can use Mixkit’s free audio tracks include:

  • YouTube
  • Blogs
  • Music Videos
  • Websites
  • Social Media platforms
  • Podcasts
  • Online advertisements

Note: You are not permitted to use Mixkit music in CDs, DVDs, Video Games or TV & Radio broadcasts.

Yes, it’s fine to use our stock music tracks, videos & video templates on YouTube, see our license for more info.

Attribution is appreciated but not required. We love seeing what you create with Mixkit Music Tracks and video assets, so if you would like to share the love you can tag Mixkit_co on Instagram & Twitter or feature a link back to

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