Free Scary Sound Effects

12 Free Scary Sound Effects. Add a jump scare to your video with a scary sound effect. From spooky ghost noises to Psycho-like screams, we have scary sounds to add some spook. All of our sound effects are free to download and ready to use in your next video or audio project, under the Mixkit License.

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Discover millions of audio tracks, sound effects, graphic templates, stock photos, fonts & more. All with unlimited downloads & simple commercial licensing for any project.

Angry dragon growl


Cinematic horror heartbeat transition


Cinematic horror trailer long sweep


Gasping zombie


Gore video game blood splash


Haunted slow orchestra


Horror sci-fi wind tunnel


Lone wolf howling


Scary graveyard wind


Scary woods at night


Terror sweep of darkness


Wolves at scary forest

Find what you need on Envato Elements

Discover millions of audio tracks, sound effects, graphic templates, stock photos, fonts & more. All with unlimited downloads & simple commercial licensing for any project.

Envato Elements

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