360 Free Pet Stock Videos

All pet stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Dog, Pet Owner, Animal, Dog Owner, Cat, Slow Motion and Dogs.

White cat lying among the grasses seen up close

White cat with brown spots and a collar lying among the grasses of the overgrown grass, while looking at a specific point and suddenly jumps out of the scene.

Woman meditating with her dog in the sunset

Woman meditating with her dog, with a beautiful view of the city during the sunset.

Dog catches a ball in a river

A person stands in a river with trees in the background and throws a ball for a white dog to catch.

Pet owner playing with a cute cat

A pet owner playing with a cute cat with a straw.

A couple in love watching a romantic sunset

A loving couple with a dog, sitting on a fence while watching a romantic sunset, give each other an affectionate kiss.

Siamese cat inside a hat

A siamese cat is inside a straw hat on the sofa.

Petting a cute cat, close up

Close up shot of a pet owner petting with one hand a cute green eyed cat.

A woman walks through a park with a dog

A woman walks through a park next to a brown and white dog, with the sun poking through trees in the background.

Dog sitting on log

A brown and white collie sits on a log, with another log and plants in the background.

White, blue-eyed cat

Close-up of a white, blue-eyed cat looking around.

Black cat with yellow eyes

Extreme close-up of a black cat blinking yellow eyes.

A woman with her dog watching the sunset

A woman with her dog, watching from above, the city in the distance, while the sun sets on the horizon at dusk.

Person inside a tent with dog

A person sits inside a tent with the flap door open, through with a campfire is visible, and a black dog sitting next to the fire. Int he background, a body of water and trees.

Newborn fluffy kittens

Adorable newborn fluffy kittens. Watch as these cute and lovely little creatures explore their surroundings and melt your heart with their playful antics. Perfect for cat lovers and those who appreciate the beauty of baby animals.

A dog resting on the grass next to a dog toy

Slow motion video of a dog resting on the grass next to a dog toy. Big dog waiting for orders. A tired dog breathing with its tongue out.

A white cat sits in front of a white wall

A white, blue-eyed cat sits on a wood floor in a white room with green houseplants in the background.

Little cats lying on an armchair

Adorable little cats peacefully resting on an armchair. Perfect for cat lovers and those seeking heartwarming pet moments.

White cat with blue eyes

Closeup shot of a white cat with deep blue eyes.

Smiling dog

A brown and white dog smiles at the camera, then looks to the side before staring at the camera again.

Man and woman playing with a dog in a garden

Man and woman playing with a dog with a ball in the garden of a house on a sunny day.

Dog being petted

A golden retriever sits on the grass while a bearded man wearing a blue baseball cap pets his face.

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